
Make more money with Dransfield’s machine tips

Know your customer

Get to know your machine customers and find out their likes and dislikes on game features. You can discuss these with your Dransfields Account Manager to optimise machine choice.

When a new machine is installed, take some time to get to know how it plays so that you can answer any questions your customers have.

Sounds obvious, but make sure you let your customers know when a new machine is installed.

Make it available

Use the experience of your Dransfields Account Manager to help choose the best position for the machine in your venue.

Make sure the machine is switched on throughout opening times and keep it clean with a quick polish every day. Be careful not to clean monitors with a wet cloth as this can damage them.

Always make sure the machine's sound is on. The sounds that the machines make are integral to many of the features of the games, as well as giving an enhanced user experience.

Report any technical faults to us at the earliest opportunity so we can get the machine back up and running as soon as possible.

Refill your machines

This is probably one of the most profitable five minutes that you can spend. A machine needs £1 coins to pay out prizes and to keep the note acceptor in working order.

A large proportion of machine takings are in the form of banknotes – if the hopper level of the machine falls below £100 then the Note Acceptor switches off and will not accept notes.

Keeping the hoppers topped up will keep the machine operating at its best.

If you are unsure how to refill a machine, ask a member of our technical team, Account Manager or Collector and they will demonstrate how to do it.


Keep an eye out for machine thieves, particularly groups of two or three people crowding around a machine or with one person attempting to distract you. They will often order soft drinks or hot drinks rather than alcoholic beverages. If in doubt simply ask that they play existing games off and then switch the machine off until they have moved on.

All Dransfields employees have ID badges, always thoroughly check before allowing anyone to collect, repair or change a machine.

Account management

As a Dransfields customer, an experienced account manager will work with you to maximise your machine income:
  • We'll ensure you have the best machines for your venue
  • We'll advise on the best machine position – balancing player appeal with security
  • We'll guide you through all aspects of gaming machine law including Gambling Act 2005 regulations and MGD
  • We're always at hand to provide support and advice

To arrange a visit from one of our team of specialists, please use the Enquiry Form or call 0345 644 9414.

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